“Embrace new opportunities presented by the new economy with an innovative and cross-generational mindset”
日期:2024年4月24日 (星期三)
地點:九龍達之路78號生產力大樓地下SME One Foyer
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carbon_neutrality_campaign/
香港經濟日報 – 凝聚發揮教育力量 攜手學習邁向碳中和 環境及自然保育基金資助女工商專聯主辦全城零碳行動
am730 – ESG|梁榮武獲「零碳武士」稱號 鼓勵學界關注碳中和
香港新聞網 – 推動香港碳中和 全城零碳行動主辦論壇
The Hong Kong Women Professionals and Entrepreneurs Association (HKWPEA) was established as a non-profit organization in September 1996 by a group of local women professionals and entrepreneurs.
Based in Hong Kong, the Association reaches out and establishes relationship with counterparts in Mainland China and abroad.
Ranking high on the Association’s agenda is timely response to the consultation papers of the HKSAR Government on various policy issues.
HKWPEA has about 150 members. The Association is honored to have Ms. Elsie Leung, JP, as Honorary Adviser; Ms. Annie Wu, JP, as Honorary President; and Ms. Marina Wong, JP, as Chartered President.