Innovation & Technology

Cyberport Visit

Date: 10 December 2022 Venue: Cyberport Committee: Innovation & Technology In liaison with Cyberport, a guided tour visit was held on 10 Dec for our Association.  On the Saturday morning, Ir Eric Chan, Chief Public Mission Officer, gave a warm welcome and introduction on behalf of Cyberport, followed by a start-ups sharing session by 3…

Visitor Tour at HKTDC International ICT Expo

Date: 15 October 2022 Venue: HKCEC, Wan Chai Committee: Innovation & Technology The HKTDC International ICT Expo opened the door for learning the existing and future smart city development for our members and guests.  Apart from Hong Kong’s Smart Government Pavilion, the Expo featured innovative applications from different research institutes and technology organizations such as…

“The development of HK-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park” Webinar

Date: 29 Apr 2022 Guest Speaker: Mr. Patrick SIU, Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park Limited Committee: Innovation & Technology The Association rolled out the first programme under the GBA series to connect members with the rapidly evolving GBA with focus in several key areas. In the aspect of innovation and technology, the Hong…

“The Digital Revolution: Navigating Disruptions and Seizing Opportunities in the Age Of Fintech”

Date: 2 Sep 2021 Guest Speaker: Mr. Benjamin Quinlan, CEO and Managing Partner of Quinlan & Associates Committee: Innovation & Technology Developing and embracing FinTech is key to help Hong Kong to upkeep its core competency as an important financial center and support other industries to grow and stay competitive.  Mr. Quinlan discussed the development of…

“Digital Transformation: Opportunities and Challenges for Traditional Industries”

Date: 17 May 2021 Guest Speaker: Toa Charm, Associate Professor of Practice in Management, Business School, Chinese University of Hong Kong  Committee: Innovation & Technology The COVID-19 has accelerated the digital transformation at an unprecedented manner. In order to stay competitive under rapid growth of digitalization, all industries have to understand and embrace the new trends to…